Webinars  /  Automate your business  &  Client engagement  &  Win and retain clients  /  Renewing proposals and creating proposals at scale
33 mins 06 Dec 2023

Are you looking to renew your current proposals for the new year? Do you have a large volume of clients that you need to engage with in a short amount of time?

Join Chris Ivanov—Sr. Key Account Manager—and Neal Schapman—Key Account Manager for an exciting session on renewing your proposals and creating proposals in bulk where they'll explore the key strategies and techniques to streamline your proposal creation process and achieve efficiency in your business. They'll take you through the streamlined approaches you can take to efficiently engage your clients in the most convenient ways.

Register for this webinar to learn how to:

  • Create proposals in bulk to engage a large volume of clients
  • Renew existing proposals to update scope and price for the upcoming year