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Disclaimer: This works on the free version of Zapier but if you want to include multiple steps, you’ll need a paid Zapier subscription.

In this example, we are going to create two Zaps - one to create a client in Ignition when lead in Hubspot is moved to a specific deal stage, and a second Zap to update the deal in Hubspot when the Proposal is signed in Ignition.

Zap #1 - Create client in Ignition when lead in Hubspot is moved to a specific deal stage

Click the image above for the pre-made Zapier template

This Zap uses the following 3 apps

Formatter by Zapier

How this Zap works

  1. Connect your HubSpot account in Zapier
  2. Use the Formatter by Zapier to convert the Deal Owner ID in HubSpot to an email address used in Ignition - *this is an optional step but it will allow you to set the deal owner in HubSport as the client manager in Ignition
  3. Find the company in HubSpot
  4. Find the contact in HubSpot
  5. Create the client in Ignition

Zap #2 - Update the deal in Hubspot when a Proposal is signed in Ignition

Click the image above for the pre-made Zapier template

This Zap uses the following 3 apps

Google Sheets

How this Zap works

  1. Proposal is accepted in Ignition
  2. Find the corresponding deal in HubSpot
  3. Update the deal in HubSpot
  4. Create a new row entry in your Google Sheets CRM - *this is an optional step if you want create a backup of the proposal/deal

Happy zapping! 🚀

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