Webinars  /  Automate your business  &  Advanced workflows  /  Top 3 process automations for an efficient...
27 mins 13 Dec 2022

Are you looking for quick wins to create a more efficient practice before the start of 2023? Think about how much time you and your team spend carrying out repetitive but necessary tasks. What if all that could be done automatically for you? What could you and your team achieve?

Join Ashlee Baron—Account Manager at Ignition and automation wizard—as she shares the top three processes you could automate in your practice that are huge time savers and how you can take it to the next level by implementing Ignition risk-free this ‘quiet time’.

Watch on-demand to learn:

  • How to identify the processes you could automate in your practice
  • The top three automation time savers
  • How you can implement them in your practice
  • How Ignition can help