Webinars  /  Improve cashflow  &  Payments masterclass  /  Upsell to increase revenue & client loyalty
31 mins 02 Feb 2023

Interested in learning how you can create a fool-proof plan to increase your firm's revenue by going after the low hanging fruit? By selling extra services to your current clients, you can increase your cashflow and the value of the services you provide. It's a win-win!

Join Rebecca Mihalic—Director at BusinessDEPOT—and Brendan Allen—Senior Account Manager at Ignition—for a practical session on how to identify the extra services you can offer, and which of your clients you should market them to.

Watch on-demand to learn:

  • Identify what extra services to market to your clients
  • Identify what clients are ready for extra services
  • Create a fool-proof plan to increase your firm's revenue