Join Ignition, FYI, and Xero to learn how leading accounting and bookkeeping firms are changing the way they run their practice.

Register to learn:
- How to better manage cashflow and control WIP
- How to provide accurate visibility over work in progress and job profitability
- How to help your team stay accountable and prioritise the right work
- How to increase efficiency in your practice and reduce write-offs
About the session
In the current economic climate, top of mind for many firms will be how to get greater visibility over recoverability, efficiency, and productivity across their practice. You can find the answer in a simple three-piece tech stack for your practice: Ignition, FYI, and Xero Practice Manager (XPM). Leveraging the power of these tools, can help you future-proof your firm for success.
These days, there’s a huge amount of pressure on accounting firms. In a nutshell, there are simply not enough accountants in Australia to do tax work. The trick, then, for accounting and bookkeeping practices, is to use digital tools to increase practice efficiency without increasing that hard-to-find headcount.
Conditions for CPD points
CAANZ members may claim webinar attendance as CPD hours if personally satisfied it is professionally relevant and meets the CPD requirements set out in the CR 7 Continuing Professional Development requirements for CAANZ.
CPA Australia members may manually record webinar attendance in their CPD Diary if the activity increased knowledge or skills in relation to the member's job role or career aspiration.
IPA Members can enter their attendance to the webinar as structured CPD activity.
The Tax Institute members can record the webinar attendance as structured CPD if it is relevant to their role.
tinuing Professional Development requirements for CAANZ