Webinars  /  Grow revenue  &  Advisory services  /  Maximising your business potential: Expert...
45 mins 25 Apr 2023

As human beings we are well equipped to manage change, whether that be in our personal or career life. In the accounting world, change is all around us, from new technology in the market to new ways of working, we’ve been working through change for decades. Get ready to discover how you can maximise your business potential in your practice. Hear from expert insights to get the lowdown on all things Reporting and Advisory.

If understanding how you can navigate the changing landscape of accounting and utilising the best technology offerings to help you and your team is what you need, sign up to this webinar today.

About the session

Gurpreet Lidder (Spotlight Reporting) and Mary McGlinchey (Ignition) will be talking to Sharon Pocock (Kinder Pocock) about:

  • The changing landscape of accounting
  • Why advisory services are important
  • What are the challenges?Determining what your service offering consists of.
  • Can we leverage technology to identify the most profitable and popular services accounts offer