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We've outlined several digital marketing tactics to help you scale your firm and grow your revenue.
INCREASE EFFICIENCY 4 mins 11 Nov 2021 by Jennie Moore
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When you first got into the accounting or bookkeeping business, you probably never imagined you’d one day be sitting here reading digital marketing tips.

No doubt, taking on that effort is a far cry from the usual stuff like tax returns, compliance, bank reconciliations, or payroll. And truth be told, you’re not alone if things like online sales, marketing and social media are beyond your comfort zone.

But it’s all totally doable, even for the busiest of bookkeepers and accountants. So let’s dig in, starting with what a digital strategy is…and why the heck do you need one.

In short, digital strategy is using technology to improve your business performance. Going deeper, it’s taking action around a digital direction and creating tactics that you can use to support that direction, which supports your competitive advantage and gets positive client results.

Now, maybe you think you don’t need an actual strategy…that your business has done fine relying on word of mouth. Or your handy-dandy brochure. Or that ole billboard you’ve been renewing for years.

But here’s the thing: The traditional ways of doing accounting and bookkeeping are on the way out, while more tech-savvy, automated approaches are kicking in, transforming how business is done.

And where do you find those clients who are embracing this new way of doing business?


Which means you gotta be there, too, connecting and engaging in that space. Having a strategy will boost the odds you get there—and succeed.

Good news: Your digital strategy doesn’t have to be fancy, expensive or complex. In fact, as long as it’s effective, a simple strategy is perfectly fine. But keep these pointers in mind:

Digital differentiation is key

What makes your firm different from the standpoint of the clients you serve, the value you bring, and the personality behind you and your business? Use that insight to create your unique digital strategy. For example, my clients tend to be in e-commerce, I provide value-added services through the cloud, and my personality is an upbeat, quirky, confident style that’s replicated in all my digital marketing and communications. Which works. This differentiation cuts through the noise and reaches the very people I want to serve. Speaking of which…

You have to reach your clients where they are

Regardless of industry, everyone is on their iPhones and iPads. So find out where your target clients spend time online and meet them in that space, whether it's social media platforms, blogs, or the comment sections of webinars where you can connect, educate and offer solutions.

Your clients need clear direction

You may have heard of a call to action (CTA), which are simple directives that get clients connecting with or talking to you. Examples include: “Book a free discovery call.” “Click here to learn more.” “Visit my website for a complimentary download.” All these point people to your website. And if they’re already on your website? Use creative CTAs to drive people to engage more directly with you.

No process is perfect

After rolling out your digital strategy, you may find it’s got some kinks or a low ROI. Don’t freak out. If you only get one client, count that as a win. Then adjust your strategy until you find that sweet spot, seeing more consistent success.

Make sure your website rocks

And this is a big one, so there are several important points to make here. For starters, while it doesn’t need a bunch of bells and whistles or to cost a gazillion dollars, your website must professionally communicate your unique value and brand. So do invest in a really great logo if you don’t have one. And then secure a domain name that best represents your business. You can do this on GoDaddy, Google Domains, and bluehost, to name a few. (If you don’t grab that ideal domain name, someone could snatch and try to sell it to you later at an outlandish price).

Next, pick a website platform that supports both a desktop and mobile-friendly website, in addition to easy customization. From a design standpoint, this is a huge plus. Equally important, it lets you make quick updates (e.g., vital pandemic-related information).

Keep in mind that great websites have great content. Think: messaging that’s clear, error-free, and meaningful, like tips, blogs, downloadable documents, or other “bait” that hooks your audience and builds trust. Also think: client testimonials and reviews, as those are both a way to build trust and up your position in search engines.

Wrapping up, if your digital strategy is outdated or long overdue, get the ball rollin’! Start putting yourself out there online, meeting prospective clients in the right places, and increase your revenue.

Use a solution like Ignition

To help capitalize on the influx of prospective new leads, consider adopting a solution like Ignition’s client engagement and commerce platform. The software comes with everything you need to engage and retain clients. From proposals and engagement letters to client management and billing, Ignition is here to help you build win-win relationships with your clients.

Start a free 14-day trial today and see how our platform can help your business grow.

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Meet the author

Jennie Moore

Partnerships Manager (AMER)  Ignition

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Published 11 Nov 2021 Last updated 19 Mar 2024