Webinars  /  Sell and price your services  &  Grow profits  /  The ultimate guide to client profitability &...
48 mins 12 Jun 2024

We know that increasing fees can feel daunting, especially for long-term clients. However, with knowledge comes power. In this session, we will show you how to calculate the profitability of your clients and services, so you can reprice with confidence.

As part of our #CallForChange movement, we encourage you to step back, evaluate, and embrace the necessary change.

Catch Rebecca Mihalic—Director at businessDEPOT—sharing proven strategies to help you reprice your services, and ensure recoverability.

This must-attend session will cover:

  1. An in-depth understanding of the true cost of delivering your services
  2. Techniques to accurately calculate and attribute costs to your clients
  3. A recommended process to analyse and determine client profitability
  4. Strategies to efficiently deliver services and maximise recoverability