Webinars  /  Product Training  &  Getting started  /  Optimise your Ignition account
62 mins 01 Nov 2022

This content is most suitable for exisiting users of Ignition.

In this webinar, Jack and Mikhaila help you review your Ignition account to ensure things are correct and where they need to be for the new season.

In this session, we will cover:

  • How to tidy up and segment your client list, and ensure all the necessary fields are completed and pull over at the right time. No more gaps in client comms!
  • How to tidy up your service library and check that your Xero/QBO account code mappings are correct.
  • How to create your own custom templates* for efficient proposal creation, with guidance on what types of templates to build to suit your practice.
  • A review of the ledger integrations; what information is passed into Xero/QBO and when; how to minimise the risk of duplicate clients, branding themes, invoice notifications and bank/transfer rules for payment reconciliation**.
  • Answers to some Ignition FAQs firms are asking us!