Webinars  /  Improve cash flow  &  Get paid faster  /  How D&T get paid upfront for all their...
58 mins 26 Oct 2023

Getting paid for self-assessment returns can be challenging-especially when doing a few hundred of them each year

February can be a month where you feel the cash flow squeeze - waiting for those payments to come in or needing a credit controller to chase invoices worth a few hundred pounds. 

But there is a better way…

Join us for this behind-the-scenes discussion as Carl Reader from D&T shares how his firm went from wasting hours each February chasing overdue invoices to getting paid upfront for all self-assessment returns.

When you attend live, you’ll also get access to email templates, and engagement letter templates to help you communicate this change with your clients.

In the session, you’ll hear:

  • How to eliminate the painful ‘after the event’ conversations with tax return clients. Yes, those who think it’s paid within their company fees, those who promise the cheque is in the post, and so on…
  • How to minimise the risk of doing work and suffering a bad debt 
  • How Ignition can help you to send out bulk engagements and get paid on time for the upcoming tax season
  • And how to set yourself up for a seamless process, year after year with minimal input.