Webinars  /  Grow revenue  &  Client engagement  /  From Challenge to Success: Implementing...
64 mins 28 Mar 2023

Client onboarding is a critical process for any accounting and bookkeeping firm, but it can be a daunting task if not managed efficiently.

In this webinar, we'll share the story of Tom, Practice Development Manager at Tish Press & Company KGE Ltd part of the Xeinadin Group who struggled with his old processes during the onboarding of clients, and how he implemented Ignition and Xama to overcome new client onboarding challenges.

About the session

In this 45-minute session we will be covering:

  • The importance of efficient client onboarding for accounting and bookkeeping firms
  • The challenges that can arise if client onboarding is not managed effectively
  • How Tom used technology to overcome new client onboarding challenges