Learning Center  /  Proposals  /  How to build out of scope billing into a proposal

PROPOSALS 1 mins 24 Mar 2023 by Nicole Baptiste
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Out of scope billing is a great way to clearly define the boundaries of work between you and your clients in addition to protecting yourself from scope creep.

Building out of scope services in a proposal

If you would like to build a proposal that includes out of scope billing, simply add a service to your service library called Out of Scope Services that's billed at $0.

Then, add it to the most regular recurring billing group on your proposal.

This will display to the client as a standard $0 charge, unless there is out of scope work - in which case you will communicate and bill them when necessary.

Proceed to finish building the proposal and send it for your clients to accept.

💡Pro-tip: You can either create this manually in your service library, or you can do this directly from the New Proposal Editor!

Billing Out of Scope Services

Once your client has accepted the proposal, you now have the ability to bill for any Out of Scope Services when it occurs.

We strongly recommend communicating any additional charges early and clearly to your client before you charge them.

To do this, click into your client's Billing Schedule tab.

Then, click into the most recent billing item in the Billed Automatically section.

From here, you can edit the price of the Out of Scope Service and add any comments in the notes field so it is as clear as possible for your client when they are invoiced.

Press Review and Confirm and then Confirm and schedule once you are finished!

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