Reinventing agency operations for client success

Montreal-based Code Marketing offers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the transformative power of automation for its billing and payments.

Code Marketing
Laurianne Lachapelle, Director of Finance, Talent and Culture

About Laurianne Lachapelle and Code Marketing

Laurianne Lachapelle has more than seven years of experience in accounting and organization management. At Code Marketing, a digital marketing agency based in Montreal, Quebec, she oversees the financial, talent, and cultural aspects of the organization, ensuring seamless operations.

She has also implemented technological solutions for small businesses such as Quickbooks, Dext, Zoho Books, and Ignition, among others. In addition to her work at Code Marketing, she also works as an accounting consultant and freelancer to help small organizations build a digital accounting environment and streamline their bookkeeping.

The challenge

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, Code Marketing was facing a challenge that threatened to dampen its professional image. The agency’s existing proposal tools lacked sophistication and failed to capture the high-quality service and client dedication that was at the heart of the agency.

Laurianne needed a solution that conveyed an impressive, confidence-building professional image. "We were looking for something that will impress; that will feel professional; that will have this feeling [where] you say, 'Wow, I have confidence in the agency I'm in front of for the potential customer’,” she said.

Adding to the challenge, the absence of a pre-authorized payment system was hindering the agency's efficiency and complicating the client experience.

Code Marketing recognized the need for a seamless, time-saving solution that would streamline its operations and improve its service delivery, particularly for its small business clients.

These businesses, often strapped for time and burdened with administrative tasks, would benefit from an effortless payment management process that would alleviate their responsibilities and ensure timely payment – and more reliable cash flow – for Code Marketing.

The solution

In search of a more comprehensive solution, Code Marketing turned to Ignition to handle both the proposal and payment challenges the agency faced. Onboarding with Ignition was a decisive turning point, enabling Laurianne and her agency to fulfill their mission of delivering exceptional services while keeping client success at the forefront of the business.

The more sophisticated proposal functions that Ignition provides really advanced Code Marketing's operations. Proposal templates and customization options allowed Laurianne's team to enrich proposals with a range of personalized elements, from embedding brochures and videos to crafting individualized messages to clients, infusing each proposal with a unique touch.

These features not only captured the agency's character but also left a lasting impact on clients, reaffirming Code Marketing's dedication to superior service.

Simultaneously, Ignition's pre-authorized payment system was a boon for Code Marketing's busy clientele. This feature saved invaluable time for those clients bogged down by administrative duties and ensured timely payments for Laurianne’s agency – a win-win scenario.

The Ignition platform, with its blend of enhanced proposal tools and automated payment capabilities, has readily answered Code Marketing's needs. It also echoed Laurianne's desire to prioritize client-centric solutions, thereby reinforcing her agency's commitment to its clients.

Ignition's seamless integration with Code Marketing's accounting systems has also transformed the agency’s approach to collections tracking. The platform has vastly improved accounts receivable management, offering clear visibility of incoming cash flow.

"We can now budget better... Ignition has greatly aided our financial management,” says Laurianne.

For Laurianne, customer support provided during implementation was a standout feature of Ignition, which made sure the agency wasn't left to navigate the transition alone. The hands-on help of an implementation specialist underscored Ignition's commitment to client success.

What’s more, Laurianne found the platform easy to teach to her team of 20 to 25 people.

"The application itself is very user-friendly and flexible... it's easy for everyone to understand how to manipulate the tool and be familiar with it," she says.

Ignition has propelled Code Marketing toward higher operational efficiency, better client relationships, and enhanced financial management.

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