Customers  /  Kendons

Kendons is a Chartered Accounting firm in Christchurch, New Zealand. Kate Griffiths, Business App Advisor realised the inefficiencies of a more traditional operating model which involves manual client onboarding, payments and billing alongside an hourly pricing model.

ACCOUNTING 1 mins 21 Feb 2022

Since discovering Ignition at Xerocon, Kate led the charge within her own division in the app advisory space which primarily operates on a fixed-fee basis. Since seeing the benefits of Ignition, the wider Kendon’s team decided to take the plunge. This resulted in Ignition paying for itself within the first month due to the time savings and client experience alone.

Before Ignition, Kate was personally writing emails to clients with proposals and putting together costs for different services. Since implementing the software, Kendons has seen huge time savings alongside efficiency gains internally.

Ignition has enabled the team to get clear on the services they provide, as well as give confidence to their team to price these services when speaking with clients. The uptake from clients was phenomenal and unexpectedly positive according to Kate.

Ignition has helped Kate’s team grow efficiently as they further develop their service offering. The admin team now barely spends any time onboarding and can spend time improving processes and identifying improvement opportunities.

Kendons migrated to Xero Practice Manager (XPM) to take advantage of the integration with Ignition. The efficiencies now gained from automatic job deployment has saved the team even more time and freed them up to consider new service offerings, as well as efficiently measure and track performance against current jobs.

An unexpected benefit of Ignition has been the empowering of staff to have better conversations with clients.

"Our staff are now confident in the list of services which they can offer as well as the price. This has freed up bandwidth for managers to focus on delivery and business development as well as improved staff engagement,"

says Kate

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