Different ways to share Ignition proposals with your clients

Digital proposals allow you the flexibility to share the document with your clients in various ways. Whether your client is non-tech savvy, on-the-go or visits you in the office, you can share your digital proposal with them to sign and the work started.
Access a PDF to print a hard copy
PDF versions of your proposals reflects the entire proposal acceptance flow - allowing for a much more accurate reflection of the web experience for your client.
The PDF includes: Personalised message, Services summary, Payment schedule, Payment authority, Terms and service terms, Audit trail of acceptance and Signature information.
You can access the PDF version of the proposal in the final Send step of the proposal editor or anytime by selecting the proposal under the client file. This printable version is accessible before and after the agreement has been signed making it easy to create a hard copy.

Share a link
The recommended action to share the proposal is via email, but an alternative is to share a link to the proposal with your client directly. Check out this article for guidance on sending proposal links via SMS or email.

Read-only copy
When building your proposal in Ignition, in the Presentation step you have the option to share a read-only copy with additional recipients. This is a great way to involve important stakeholders alongside the signatories with the proposed agreement.